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ENGclusion longitudinal study starts

ENGclusion longitudinal study starts

Associate Professor Kelly Blincoe's ENGclusion longitudinal study has started! The first questionnaire for the study is now up, and the ENGclusion team are collecting their first round of data. Their goal is to understand how to retain historically excluded groups in...

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Understanding Breaking Changes in the Wild

Understanding Breaking Changes in the Wild

Modern Software applications depend on libraries for their development process as they benefit from reusable functionalities to accelerate the development process. These libraries, like all software applications, release new versions of their software with new...

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What’s Inside a Cluster of Software User Feedback: A Study of Characterisation Methods

What’s Inside a Cluster of Software User Feedback: A Study of Characterisation Methods

Online feedback left by software users can help software teams improve their products. Feedback useful for product improvements exists online in app store reviews, tweets, and many other sources. Understanding the topics mentioned in this feedback is vitally important to maintaining a responsive, attractive software product so development teams know where to focus their product improvements. One way in which topics can automatically be detected is by performing text clustering, a common natural language processing technique that can group similar feedback together.

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